Friday, May 8, 2009

The Question

God looks down on humanity, humanity looks back, just staring up at a light in the sky. Oh, by the way it is Judgement Day. What do you think his question will be? Will it be just one?
What will be the straw that breaks the camel's back? I have often thought of this scenario, sometimes out loud with friends, mostly to myself after reading some story or seeing something on television. It sends me back to a conversation I had with my grandfather after September 11th, you remember that day don't you. If you watch the news these days you may wonder if it ever happened. (Getting off on a tangent alert)

We talked about the fear that everyone felt the day of the attack, mostly because no one knew what was going on and if we still need to be worried. My grandfather said, and he is a man of very few words, "We need to be worried about when God is gonna put a stop to it."

Now before I go any farther, I believe in God. I believe in heaven therefore I believe in hell, one cannot exist without the other. After taking some EMT classes I have learned how the human body works. I'm not just talking about the "this bone is connected to this bone" song or the "pump" song that Potsy sang about on Happy Days. (I think that was post Jump the Shark) I am talking about how the human body functions down to the cellular level. I'm sorry folks but there has to be something divine in that.

So I guess this is the round about way of asking the question that bothers me the most when I think of our society, Why haven't we taken care of our children?

I think about this when I read the story of the toddler that had to have her leg amputated because the person watching her tied a rope around her leg to keep her from moving around. Or when a mother puts her kids in a car and rolls it into a lake because she is afraid her new boyfriend might break up with her. I could go on forever and I am sure that some of you can think of worse. The countless kidnappings and rapes and murders of what I think is our most valuable natural resource. Look at it like this, children are the only assurance that our species will survive, what have we done to protect it?
I also think that you absolutely can not have this conversation without addressing the white elephant in the room, abortion. My view on abortion was a solid pro choice for a long time. After the Lacey Peterson case my thoughts changed. Here was a guy charged for two murders, that child's life was terminated early, what was the difference? I could not come up with one. When did children become so disposable?

Stick with me, there were over one million abortions in the US last year, there were over 20,000 adopted foreign children brought back to the US last year. See where I'm going. The issue of abortion has not changed and will not for some time, I don't care which side is trying to scare the hell out of you. If we turned all that energy and money towards bringing these numbers together, would that not be a solution to a problem. Now there will have to be people a lot smarter than me to figure it out but I DO know that it a shame that so many United States citizens have to go overseas to find a baby. Is it me or does it seem easier to get an abortion than to adopt a child? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I think we need to attack this from a different direction. I am kind of flying in the dark here, but are there incentives for women that decide to give their baby up for adoption? If not then there should be.
I know I have opened a can of worms here but after you talk to someone who has been through this and they say, "you have to jump through more hoops to adopt a dog than you do to have an abortion," then something is just a little more than askew. There just seems to me that there is a solution that could satisfy everyone, maybe it is time to try. I am certainly not judging anyone here, that happens later.
My only experience with children is from being the "cool uncle", but all of has a chance to be a positive influence on everyone, especially the ones that need it the most, the children. They are just looking for some guidance and in the lack of positive guidance they will take whatever is in front of them.
I don't know, will that be the question, will we even get a question? I believe in getting credit for trying, I guess I'm saying that from a distance it doesn't look like we are.

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