Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Great movies you may have never seen

I watch a lot of movies, those of you who know me are rolling your eyes right about now or just got through saying no s#@t. I watch movies for one reason only, to be entertained. I do not watch movies to get a history lesson, if I am watching a movie like Pearl Harbor, I already know the story, I am not watching it to learn. I hope I am not letting the cat out of the bag here but sometimes movies are not historically accurate. Movie makers use this thing called artistic license to make a point or spice up the story. Chances are if they are making a movie about it there is a book somewhere that may do a better job of telling the truth. Oops my soapbox alarm just went off so I will stop.

I have put together a list of some good movies that you may have never seen or may have forgotten about, they are in no particular order and this may only benefit those of you that have Netflix, Blockbuster is a weird place these days. They have the most confusing rules, late fees etc. I will soon be on Netflix.

Oh yeah these are not in any kind of order:

1) The Package- Gene Hackman Tommy Lee Jones, Great suspense thriller, mid 80's.

2) Hoffa -Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, I have never seen this movie on TV or at the movie store, finally found the DVD at some random place last year. Jack is so much like the real Hoffa it is scary, the DVD has some footage from the actual Senate hearings, see for yourself.

3) Waiting- Ryan Reynolds and that kid from the Apple commercials, if you have ever worked in a restaurant you will, let me see if I can do this right for the texters out there LYFAO. (that is Laugh Your F@#$*@$g Ass off for those of us over 30.)

4)The Lucky Ones-Tim Robbins Rachel McAdams, this one just came out last month. I don't know why I picked it, I saw a movie about soldiers coming home from the war in Iraq with Tim Robbins and my first impression was to throw it across the room. It was mildly political, and when it was I did not seem to mind. I'm glad I watched, it was very entertaining.

5) Fail Safe - Henry Fonda and everybody, probably 60's great Cold War flick

6) Twelve Angry Men- Another black and white with Fonda, great cast. You will find your self saying, "That is the guy that was in...." and you forget that it was filmed in one room. This is back when a story had to be really good, could not rely on special effects.

7)Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang-Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer. Funny, funny, laugh, laugh. Val Kilmer playing a gay private detective, his name is Perry by the way. I will let you guess what his nickname is in the movie.

8) Every body's All American- Dennis Quaid, Jessica Lang, John Goodman. One of the best sports movies ever made. I include this because I have never seen this in a Blockbuster anywhere. I have never seen this movie for sale. Those of us who know will see a kind of "cameo" by a band that is supposed to be Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts.

9) Nanking- kind of a documentary about the 1937 Nanking massacre. Actors play the actual people who were there, the story is taken from their letters and personal accounts.

10)Pool Hall Junkies- great movie, a lot of random guys, like the guy who plays Lex Luthor on Smallville, he has hair, and Christopher Walken. It is like the Rounders for pool players. You can learn some pretty slick scams as well.

Well I guess I should stop at ten, if you have any to share please do.

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